Would you like a quotation?
If you know the types of vehicles you would like prices for?
Email the information below to: totsstorecars@gmail.com
- Drivers Name (For our reference code)
- Arrival date e.g. 23/06/22
- Arrival time e.g. 14:00
- Departure date e.g. dd/mm/year
- Departure time e.g. 24 hour clock
- Number of passengers e.g. Adults and Children
- Ages of children for car seats specifications
- Vehicle Groups you require quotes
- Products required from Tots Store i.e. Car Seats, Sleeping Equipment, Scooters, etc.
We do supply larger DISCOUNTS for Tots Store product rentals with Car rental service!
Car Seats
Baby and child car seat rental delivered to Malaga Airport
Pushchair and stroller rental on the Costa del Sol
Play Time Fun
Baby and children play toy equipment rental.